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Bastyr University Libraries Historical Collections: BU Libraries

The BU Libraries' Very Beginnings: Comments from Sheila Quinn

"Here’s what I remember best: Joe [Pizzorno] actually built a set of beautiful floor-to-ceiling shelves in our little office at Seattle Central Community College and gave me (as I recall) 2 of them for library books, to which he contributed the first books from his own library. Over the two years we were in that office, the collection grew slowly but steadily, augmented by small contributions from other practicing docs in the area and requests from the students and faculty. When we moved to the University Way building and had more space, Joe actively solicited donations from docs who were teaching in both classroom and clinic, and we allotted a much larger budget to the library. After we hired Deborah Caplow as our Librarian, the collection began to grow much more rapidly. Deborah’s devotion to the library and her steadfast advocacy over many years were absolutely critical to its early development and continuing success."

Sheila Quinn, Bastyr University co-founder

June 20, 2019

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. and JBCNM President in circa 1985

Sage Advice on Setting Up the Library (circa 1979)

In circa 1979, Susie Gloriod, a naturopathic doctorate student in JBCNM's first entering class, who also had a master's degree in library and information science, wrote the letter linked below to Sheila Quinn and Joe Pizzorno. It contained advice on how to start the library off on a good footing. The Founders paid close attention judging by consistently high quality library resources and services over the subsequent decades.

BU Library Update (1985)

Library Assistant Protocol (1991-1992)

Oral History

In summer of 2019, the incoming Director of Library Services met with the first two Directors of the Libray; Deborah Caplow and Jane Saxton to capture their memories of the development of the library.

The oral history is available through the Institutional Repository and requires BU Login.

Library in the F.A. MacDonald School in the Wallingford Neighborhood of Seattle

Library study area

Computer lab with first generation Macintoshes introduced by Apple in 1984.

Index Medicus print volumes issued regularly by the National Library of Medicine; this index provided the only way to explore MeSH subject headings for searching the MEDLINE database.


CA Campus Address: Library Bastyr University 4106 Sorrento Valley Blvd. San Diego, CA 92121 Phone:(858) 246-9714 | Email: | Text:(425) 947-2486

WA Campus AddressLibrary Bastyr University 14500 Juanita Dr NE Kenmore, WA 98028 |  Phone:(425) 602-3020 | | Text:(425) 947-2486 | Chat: Chat with a Librarian

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