Welcome Faculty!
We know you're busy--let us help you via chat, phone, Zoom, email, text, and of course in-person. If you can't find what you need, please contact us!
- Orientations – Schedule an in-person, Zoom or phone overview of our services and resources. We love to talk library!
- How to... and FAQs - please review this content as it answer most questions!
- Course Reserves – What you need to know.
- Copyright – Core and adjunct faculty are encouraged to self-enroll in, and complete the Copyright Training Course.
- Article retrieval – Complete this form and we'll retrieve the articles you need for courses & research:
- Kenmore: library@bastyr.edu, 425.602.3020
- San Diego: buclibrary@bastyr.edu, 858.246.9714
- Research Assistance – Database selection, search strategy consultations, submission journal vetting, information management, CE sources (some free through library subscriptions), and more...... These services will be provided online to maintain equitable, undisrupted service.
- Library Instruction in the Classroom – We work collaboratively with instructors to develop effective library sessions, usually for courses that include a research component. Check Course Guides to see if a tutorial has been created for your class. Please contact us if you'd like additional information.