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AM7115, 7116, 7117 - DAOM

Search Strategy Tools

Creating a search strategy is necessary in high level academic research; not only does it help you ensure that your research topic is fully developed and appropriate, it is part of the research process that has to be reported in published research.

In order to keep track of what you find, we recommend a citation manager, like Mendeley, to keep track of how you found it we recommend a search strategy sheet.

The example below is the format and template that is recommended for use with your final capstone project.

Use this template for your Reading Research assignment in order to be prepared for your capstone work.  Use the Reading Research assignments to start preliminary research into an area that you hope to work on for capstone, your topic may evolve between now and the start of your capstone research, you should be treating these classes as preparation for the final project.


There is also a short lecture on your Moodle course that demonstrates an example of an advanced search.


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