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Systematic Reviews (SRs): SR Team

Your SR Team

A systematic review is a team effort, and may take up to a year or longer, if done correctly. Assembling the correct members of your team can make all the difference.

Make sure at least one member of your your team has expertise in:

Systematic review Team




What Librarians can do for you?

Librarians are skilled in complex, detailed search and retreival, as well as experts in organization.

What librarians can do for you:

  • Identify appropriate databases  to conduct literature searches related to your topic.
  • Assist you in identifying existing systematic reviews and protocols to inform your own protocol development.
  • Design and conduct complex, comprehensive search strategies to maximize retrieval of relevant studies.
  • Use reference management software, such as Mendeley and other tools to manage the research gathering and selection process.
  • Create search alerts to ensure you're aware of new studies  while the systematic review is in progress.
  • Track down hard-to-find full text articles for screening and review.
  • Write the search methods section of your review for publication, to ensure clarity and transparency of the process.

Why a Librarian?

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Standards for Systematic Reviews call for collaboration with a librarian, or require expertise in areas librarians are well-suited to perform:

Standard 2.1 Establish a team with appropriate expertise and experience…
2.1.3:  Include expertise in searching for relevant evidence
Standard 2.6 Develop a systematic review protocol
2.6.4 Describe the search strategy for identifying relevant evidence
Standard 3.1 Conduct a comprehensive systematic search for evidence
3.1.1 Work with a librarian or other information specialist…to plan the search strategy
3.1.3 Use an independent librarian…to peer review the search strategy
Standard 3.4 Document the search strategy
3.4.1 Provide a line by line description of the search strategy



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