Theses content
These are submitted electronically to ProQuest by the student.
ProQuest provides the library with a bound copy, which the library catalogs and shelve in the main collection with the call number: THESIS
Thesis Students, you must also submit an electronic copy to the library for inclusion in the BU institutional repository. See the Submit thesis to library tab.
Capstones, Masters’ Projects and other non-thesis options
Electronic copies of the final project will be provided to the library by the department. The library will make them available in the Supplementary Resources (Institutional Repository).
These non-thesis projects will not be printed or bound by the library, and will not be cataloged or shelved in the main collection.
These are the online BU documents that the library stores. They are currently available to people with a MyBU login.
This online institutional repository (IR) includes indexed collections of Capstones and Masters' Projects, which are made available to the library per the BU Academic Policy on Electronic Theses and Capstone Projects.
BU Academic Policy on Electronic Theses and Capstone Projects notes that, "as a condition of a degree award, grant royalty-free permission to the University to reproduce and publicly distribute his/her thesis or capstone project through the appropriate electronic system and/or the University Library. Both the University’s IR and the Bastyr University Library will maintain an archival electronic copy of all theses and capstone projects."
Thesis students are required to submit an electronic copy of their final, accepted thesis to ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database.
Students must follow the procedures set out by ProQuest (link below).