First-time setup takes about 15-20 minutes depending on your computer's download speed. Here are the basic steps:
1. Go to and click the "Create Account" button on the top right side of the page. Follow the steps to create an Elsevier account, which is the host of Mendeley.
2. Install the Mendeley Reference Manager; this is where Mendeley will keep and organize all your references, PDFs, and documents.
3. Install the Web Importer Tool, and add to your browser's toolbar; this makes adding PDFs from the web a piece of cake!
4. OPTIONAL: Download the Mendeley Application to your laptop or desktop computer. There is nothing wrong with using the desktop app, but the Mendeley Reference Manager can handle everything you need.
5. If you plan to use Mendeley to generate citations, you will either need to download the Mendeley desktop app (which can generate citations in desktop MS Word) and add the citation plug-in there, OR download Mendeley Cite here to use in MS Word online.