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BC3148 & BC3139: Integrated Human Biology

Research Methods in Human Biology 1 & Human Biology Seminar

Searching PubMed

PubMed (Medline) is highly utilized by all types of health care practitioners because it's one of the best places to find current, primary research studies. PubMed is HUGE (over 25 million citations; up to 4 thousand new citations daily). Here are some tips that will help you search it effectively.

Two basic ways to search PubMed:

1. Try to think of how a researcher would describe your topic in choosing your search terms (keywords). This method is efficient, and can work well when you're not concerned about capturing all/most of the relevant research on a particular topic.

2. If results from your keyword search don't seem relevant or you retrieve too many (or too few) hits, try using PubMed's medical subject headings, or MeSH; the MeSH Database, linked under the PubMed search box, allows you check for appropriate MeSH terms. 

3. Once you set limits (filters), they stay set for future searches unless removed.

Note: Be sure to access PubMed from MyBu>Library>Databases, or from links in LibGuides (like this one!), to get all of the full-text articles the BU library provides.


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