Sign in to your library catalog account here:
If you aren’t able to log in – let us know and we’ll set you up! Being able to access your library catalog account will allow you to place hold for pickup requests, renew items, and see due dates. IMPORTANT-IF YOU ARE NOT SIGNED IN YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PLACE A HOLD!
Make sure the item is available at your home library, as holds are not transferred between libraries!
NOTE: When using the “course reserve” link, the hold option may not show up if you are not signed in. If this happens, search for the title and place the hold from the results page as shown below. You will then be prompted to sign in, and taken to the next step.
This will likely be at or around 9am when we process all the hold requests for the day. Please request holds by 9am for same-day pick-up! Please wait for email confirmation that the hold has been processed as unforeseen delays can happen
NOTE: To add a note when placing a hold, i.e. requesting a specific volume or "not needed after" date, click the Show more options link.
Building A at BUSD, 11am -1pm Mon- Thurs
In the library at BUK, 11am -1pm Mon - Fri (you can also ring the bell at the desk during open hours!)
Building A at BUSD
Outside reception at BUK; in the return slot on the reference desk during open hours.